What do we make of identity, truth, God, love, and hope...?
What do we make of identity, truth, God, love, and hope...?

KLA on Identity

Human/Nature: Are we different from animals?

What is Identity for me?

What is Identity for me?
Let's talk HOPE...
Want to join HOPE?
Please send us your own personal take on one or more of the course’s themes: human/nature, identity & authenticity, freedom, reflection, happiness, death & dread, meaning, morality, truth & trust, God & religion, alienation & love, and finally – hope.
Simply videotape yourself (or ask a friend to help out), in English, for 10-90 seconds per concept (in separate videos) telling us a bit about what this term means to you.
Your video/s will be integrated into a beautiful HOPE gallery, showcasing the many perspectives we hold on what makes us human. Your videos will likely be seen by thousands, but keep calm… Part of the charm is exactly that personal touch – feats and flaws alike. Feel free to use a dedicated camera or your phone, preferably horizontally.
Please email your video/s by to politicalexistentialism@gmail.com
[you can use wetransfer if the files are too big].
Then go ahead and invite family and friends to join us – all HOPEful vids are welcome!
Here are some questions, on some of the themes, you may want to consider:
Identity: What is identity? Who am I? Are some identities more important to me than others – why? Have I ever changed my identity? How do my identities shape my political views?
Freedom: What is freedom? Am I free, are we? What fosters freedom, what inhibits it? Are freedom and liberty the same? How important is freedom for me – what am I willing to sacrifice for it?
Truth: What is truth, and how does it relate to trust? Do they entwine? Whom do I trust, and why? What sorts of truths are there? Do we live in a post-truth world? What can we do about it?
Love: What is love? Who do I love, who loves me, and why? What types of love are there – are some better than others? Is it more important to love or to be loved? Is love all we need?
Hope: What is hope? How is it different from optimism? Are you hopeful, and why? Is hope always good – how can it be bad, and for what? What can help hope – in private, and in public?
HOPE: Human Odyssey to Political Existentialism
A new edX course by Princeton University & Tel Aviv University
Taught by Uriel Abulof of LISD/PU and Politics/TAU